Signup and Auth examples for SaaS Web App

Software-as-a-Service usually provides its service after a user has created an account and authenticated. The web-app service in the Golang SaaS Starter Kit has extensive functionality for signup and authentication.

Go Templates for the Signup and Auth pages

The web app pages for signup and auth use these base layout:

Once the user is authenticated, the base layout wraps the content pages with this additional partial layout:

Go Signup template for Web App

Go code example of Signup template and create account for SaaS Web App

In order for your SaaS offering to deliver its value to your customer, they need to subscribe first. Users can subscribe using this signup page. The signup page creates an account and a user associated with the new account. This signup page also uses some cool inline validation.


Go Dashboard template for Web App

Go code example of App Dashboard template for SaaS Web App

Once a user has subscribed to your SaaS and are authenticated, they are directed to the Dashboard page. This is an example of what could be rendered to a user upon authentication.


Go User Login template for Web App

Go code example of User Login template and authentication for SaaS Web App

After a user has an account, they can login to your web app. Once logged in they will have access to all pages that require authentication. This login page also uses some cool inline validation.


Go User Logout functionality of Web App

Go code example of Logout functionality for SaaS Web App

Users can logout of your web app which clears their active session and redirects them back to the index page of the website.

Go Forgot Pass templates for Web App

Go code example of Forgot Password templates for SaaS Web App

If a user forgets their password, the example web app includes working functionality allowing them to reset their password. Once the user submits their email address, the web app sends them an email that includes an encrypted link to a page that allows them to reset their password.


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If you would like to provide us feedback on any of these screen captures and associated functionality, you are welcome to publicly comment on our Google Slides:

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